
About Us


Viaverda is an agricultural research centre for applied research and extension in potato, vegetable and ornamental production in Flanders/Belgium. Viaverda supports growers of potatoes, vegetables, ornamental plants, and green managers in entrepreneurship and innovation. Its main mission is to walk the road to the future together, across generations and sectors. Based on the love for the profession and the in-depth practical knowledge, Viaverda handles the challenges and opportunities in agriculture, horticulture and landscaping. Viaverda guides the sector independently, accessible and effective. It finds practical answers to all your questions. That is how Viaverda creates strong roots and innovative growth. Viaverda values a high quality regarding our research and services, attained by qualified personel and good infrastructure. Through a wide network of actors in Flanders/Belgium and international, we maintain a strong connection with ongoing research on one hand and the needs of the agricultural sector on the other hand.


Main crops :

1. Leek

2. Onion

3. Potatoes

4. Tomato

5. Carrots

Speciality crops :

1. Sweet potatoe

2. Hydroponic vegetable cultures

3. Herbs (outdoor and protected)

Our talent :

Dry and storing facility for potato, onion and sweet potato

Total trial number estimated capacity

Total number of test sites

  • NGEP certified
  • NGreenhouses
  • NGrowth Chambers
  • NIrrigation
  • NInnoculation

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