About Us
Since 2008 we are a market leader in Poland in field registration and pilot trials. Since it has farmland, we can conduct efficacy and selectivity trials for all types of plant protection products and test fertilization programs for wide range of field crops.
Fertico has been certified by the Bureau for Chemical Substances (BdsSCh) to test residues of plant protection products in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) in both field and analytical part.
Thanks to our qualified specialists, commitment, knowledge and experience we are a renowned company in the European market for conducting GEP and GLP trials.
We provide:
-Quick initialising of trials
-Electronic Data Exchange in ARM (Agriculture Research Manager) or other formats (e.g. company-specific programs)
-Regular trial updates
-Interim Reports
-Final Reports containing all information
-Assigned study director who regularly informs clients about the progress of the trials and advises the best time for visits at critical points in your projects

Main crops :
1. Cereals
2. Soft fruits
3. Stone and pome fruits
4. Root crops
5. Vegetables
Speciality crops :
1. Vegetables under protected conditions
2. Greenhouse strawberry
3. Highbush blueberry
4. Tobacco
5. Hops
Our talent :
- Certificated analytical laboratory
- Professional scab monitoring
- Storage chambers for apple, pears and potato trials
- Several own test sites and many options to set up trial across the whole country

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of trial sites
- NGEP certified
- NGreenhouses
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation

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