About Us
Essais+ is a french CRO created in 1996. We are managing more than 250 trials each year (mainly under GEP) in the maritime zone. All the team is composed with experienced people who give all their energy to provide reliable results to the clients we are working with. We are fully conscient that each field trial is counting for you, that is why we decided to work on a small geographic area that we perfectly know and where we are sure to validate the trials. We have an important network of farmers to set up the trials and have many modern equipments to manage them in the best conditions.

Main crops :
1. Cereals
2. Potatoes
3. OSR
4. Sugar beets
5. Vegetables
Speciality crops :
1. Cereals
2. Potatoes
3. OSR
4. Sugar beets
5. Vegetables
Our talent :
We have been able to bring people from all over the world in Boyelles (small village of 250 inhabitants in the north of France) to show them their field trials.

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation
- NGEP certified
- NCIR Accreditation

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