About Us
Redebel helps you develop your research projects by conducting your agricultural trials. Founded in 1988, Redebel is the first Belgian company to have received GLP and GEP accreditation, in 1993 and 1997 respectively.
We perform your agronomic and residue trials for all types of plant protection products
We conduct your research and development (R&D), demo and registration trials. We support you in the development and positioning of your plant protection product. Our sister company, Redebel Regulatory Affairs (RRA), can assist you with the registration of your plant protection product.
Our GEP efficacy and selectivity trials are performed by Redebel in Belgium.
Technological Research and Development have always been a core part of Redebel’s activities. Our experts offer you strategic support and perform your agronomic and residue trials.

Main crops :
1. Potato
2. Cereals
3. Maize
4. Sugar beet
5. Vegetables
Our talent :
- Present throughout Belgium with wide variety of soil types
- Possibility to work on all crops present in Belgium and with all kind of products (PPPs, bio-solutions, fertilizers, biostimulants)
- Owner of several fields that allow multiple specific platforms (PHYTIN, ALTESP, RHIZSO,…)
- Posibility to manager tials under rainout shelter
- Specific seeds treatments material (seeds coating, microgranulator,…)

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
- NGreenhouse
- NGrowth chambers
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation
- NGEP certified
- NCIR accreditation

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