About Us
‘pcfruit npo, is acknowledged as center of excellence in fruit research. The success of pcfruit is due to the combination of applied scientific research, demonstration activities to growers and services for industry and fruit growers at one central location with suitable infrastructure like labs, greenhouses, storage facilities, plastic tunnels, shelters and warehouses and orchards. In pcfruit new and existing technologies/techniques and varieties are permanently evaluated and judged on their added value to fruit growing and our advices go beyond the fruit sector in areas as crop protection, biological control, IPM, plant nutrition, environment…
Website: www.pcfruit.be’

Main crops :
1. Apple
2. Pear
3. Cherry
4. Strawberry
5. Grapes
Speciality crops :
1. Raspberry
2. Blackberry
3. Currants
4. Blueberry
Our talent :
We have a laboratory and greenhouses/growth chambers were we can perform trials on smaller scale. We have two types of spraying towers to perform efficacy trials on lab/smaller scale. Specialised teams with high experience in pests, diseases and herbicides.

Total trial number estimated capacity
Acres of trial fields and possibility to conduct trials at growers' premises
- NGreenhouse
- NGrowth chambers
- NInnoculation
- NGEP certified
- NCIR accreditation

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