About Us
Cultus Crop Research BV has been conducting trials for many years already and therefore has a lot of knowlege in a wide range of crops. Quality and flexibility are important aspects in our operations and we would be happy to use these strenghts to work with you!
Cultus Crop Research BV is in possession of its own GEP certificate, which means that validity investigation is in good hands with us. In addition, we are also TNG-certified, so we are authorized to conduct tests with crop protection agents that are not yet registered for certain crops in the Netherlands.
We are happy to assist you for the following activities;
- Validity tests under own GEP recognition
- Statistically based experimental design and execution, demo trials and screenings
- Construction of test platforms
- Analysis and reporting of results (using ARM)
Trials are set up at our own locations and facilities (both in the open field, under glass and on the containerfield) or fitted into a practical plot in consultation with the grower.

Main crops :
1. Arable farming
2. Ornamentals
3. Open field vegetables
4. Greenhouse vegetables
5. Fruit
Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
Our talent :
- Wide network and short lines with the sector
- Own facilities for carrying out trials in a wide range of cultivations (glasshouse, own fields, cold stores…)
- A lot of own equipment for conducting, harvesting and/or taking measurements in trials
- Good experience in setting up and maintenance of trial platforms
- Flexibility, thinking along and accurate towards the sponsors

- NGreenhouse
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation
- NGEP certified

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