About Us
Agrostation is a company specializing in crop protection & crop nutrition. With a network of 400 farmers and a well-qualified technical team, it offers a wide range of trials and services:
– Field conditions: Evaluation of products efficacy and crop safety.
– Greenhouses trials: screening & efficacy of biostimulants with specific and tailor made protocols
– Growth chamber trials: specific conditions of temperature and light.

Main crops :
1. Cereals
2. Corn
3. Sunflower
4. Rapeseed
5. Grassland
Speciality crops :
1. Vines
2. Apple
3. Vegetables
4. Sugar beet
5. Potatoes
Our talent :
Abiotic stress
Crop analysis
Soil analysis

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of trial sites
- NCIR accreditation
- NGEP certified
- NGreenhouses
- NGrowth chambers
- NGEP certified
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation

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