About Us
The company’s main activity is related to experimental work in agriculture, mostly through field trials for testing the effectiveness of plant protection products. With the development of the company, the activity has expanded to experimental work on varieties/hybrids of agricultural crops, laboratory experiments for testing the resistance of pests to insecticides, and consulting and technical support for agricultural producers. Since 2014, the company has had a GEP certificate. We conduct tests of the effectiveness of plant protection products in the regulatory zone south, in two EPPO zones; EPPO zone southeast and Mediterranean EPPO zone on all agricultural crops. We employ 8 experts on a permanent basis.

Main crops :
1. Winter wheat
2. Winter berley
3. Corn
4. Sugarbeet
5. Oil seed rape
Speciality crops :
1. Grape vine
2. Apple
3. Tomato
4. Potato
5. Olive
Our talent :
Laboratory trials for insect resistance to insecticide

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
- NGreenhouse
- NGrowth chambers
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation
- NGEP certified

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