About Us
Etza Agriculture established in 2008 and based on 3 important elements:
1. Consultation for farms and farmers.
2. Field trials for registration of chemicals, fertilizers and new varieties.
3. Agricultural projects establishments, worldwide.
The combination of these elements, together with vast experience as growers, allows us to bring unique and professional solutions to our clients.
Etza Agriculture is a known and valued entity by the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture for delivering registration trial reports for the biggest chemical companies.

Main crops :
1. Tomato
2. Pepper
3. Cucumber
4. Citrus
5. Avocado
Speciality crops :
1. Cannabis
2. Anemone
3. Dates
4. Dragon fruit
5. Opuntia
Our talent :
We have been able to bring people from all over the world in Boyelles (small village of 250 inhabitants in the north of France) to show them their field trials.

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
- NGreenhouse
- NGrowth chambers
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation

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