About Us
Biotek AAA is a CRO supporting research, development and registration of crop protection products, fertilizers, biologicals and seeds within the major agricultural regions.
Our highly trained research scientists in America (North, Central and South), Africa and Asia are available to help sponsors with their current or upcoming R&D and portfolio innovation projects.
In addition to our own field stations and experimental facilities, we have developed reliable partnerships with more than 30 GLP compliant field trials CROs, Institutes and Universities worldwide.

Our talent :
20 years of experience with GMO trials
Drone application

Total trial number estimated capacity globaly
Total number of test sites across the continents
- NGEP certified
- NGreenhouses
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation
- (Location specific )

Main crops :
1. Soybean
2. Corn
3. Beans
4. Cotton
5. Wheat
Speciality crops :
1. Melon
2. Banana
3. Coffee
4. Strawberries
5. Grapes
Main crops :
1. Banana
2. Cocoa
3. Roses
4. Broccoli
5. Rice
Speciality crops :
1. Potatoes
2. Onion
3. Pitaya
4. Grape vines
5. Alfalfa
Costa Rica
Main crops :
1. Banana
2. Pineapple
3. Coffee
4. Melon
5. Vegetables
Speciality crops :
1. Mango
2. Cassava
3. Sugarcane
United States
Main crops :
1. Citrus
2. Tomato
3. Peppers
4. Lettuce
5. Celery
Speciality crops :
1. Avocado
2. Potatoes
Main crops :
1. Watermelon
2. Corn
3. Rice
4. Tomato
5. Cabbage
Main crops :
1. Rice
2. Corn
3. Coffee
4. Chili
5. Soybean
Speciality crops :
1. Sugarcane
2. Pitaya
3. Oil palm
4. Flowers
Main crops :
1. Onion
2. Tomato
3. Peppers
4. Corn
5. Potatoes
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