About Us
For more than 30 years, BioChem agrar GmbH has been based in Germany and active as an international testing institute in the areas of ecotoxicology, field testing and agricultural analytics.
As a laboratory for agricultural chemistry, we offer manufacturers in the phytosanitary sector comprehensive solutions for the authorization and registration of pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers and other products.
In addition, we serve agricultural companies of any kind as a competent partner for needs-based soil testing and the entire segment of agricultural analytics available.
With a Europe-wide network of our own locations and partner laboratories, well-founded expertise based on many years of experience, and a standard of GLP-, GEP- certified and ISO-accredited working methods, we are your reliable service provider for testing pesticides and agrochemicals.
From field trials under a wide range of conditions, to legally required ecotoxicological examinations, to comprehensive analytical services – on behalf of our customers, we find intelligent solutions and deliver the most precise results.

Main crops :
1. Wheat
2. Barley
3. Sugar beets
4. Corn
5. Patatoes
Speciality crops :
1. Ornamentals
2. Grass
3. Turf
4. Hops
5. Apples
Our talent :
- Processing of Crops
- Taint test
- Analytical service

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
- NGreenhouse
- NGrowth chambers
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation
- NGEP certified
- NCIR Accreditation

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