About Us
Agreco Sp. z o. o. is a Polish research company established in 2008, that specialises in delivering a wide range of services to the clients in the agricultural research. The company providing crop protection product development, GLP and GEP product testing, analytical tests and consultancy services. Highly experienced staff guarantees a high level of expertises, skills in trials planning, method arrangement, conduct of studies and reporting.

Main crops :
1. Winter ORS
2. Winter wheat
3. Winter barley
4. Maize
5. Sugar beet
6. Apples
Speciality crops :
1. Strawberries
2. Vegetables
3. Flowers – Greenhouse
4. Hops
5. Honey
Our talent :
Senrory evaluation (taint test)

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
- NGreenhouse
- NGrowth chambers
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation
- NGEP certified
- NCIR accreditation

“Professionalism, quality, flexability”
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