About Us
AETC was established in Marocco in August 2019 with a genuine passion for setting up and monitoring agricultural experimentation trials for pesticides, fertilizers, and biostimulants.
Our commitment is to provide officially recognized trials to our customers for the registration of plant protection products. These trials assess the effectiveness, resistance, yield, and quality of plants or plant products, as well as any potential phytotoxicity and side effects.

Our objective is to offer top-notch services with a steadfast commitment to customer satisfaction, while also guaranteeing complete traceability of testing procedures. Our teams have mastered a set of operating procedures from site selection to results synthesis.
GEP certified
10+ trials capacity:
Vegetable crops, potatoes, strawberries, citrus fruits, grapevines,…
For the majority of our trials, we work in close collaboration with growers for all types of field and greenhouse trials
For test sites, we have experimentation contracts with farmers with whom we collaborate

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