NSL Field Trials
About Us
Our professional team can provide high quality performance in conducting field trials in southern Finland, in the EPPO north-east climatic zone. NSL Field Trials is situated on Västankvarn farm 65 km west of Helsinki.
Apart from our own trial station we have a broad cooperation with farmers in the region to successfully find good trial locations and required targets. We conduct trials in spring crops such as cereals, oilseed rape, caraway, field peas and field beans as well as in winter crops e.g., winter wheat, winter rye and winter triticale. Located in the most northern growing areas, we can occasionally conduct trials in winter oilseed rape.
We develop practices for remote sensing of trials using drones. Our grain laboratory is well-equipped for analyzing the quality of cereals including malting barley. We can also conduct quality analyzes for oilseed rape and pulses. Germination tests are conducted according to the ISTA method.

Main crops :
1. Wheat
2. Spring barley
3. Oats
4. Rye
5. Spring oilseed rape
Speciality crops :
1. Field peas
2. Field beans
3. Caraway
4. Triticale
Our talent :
-Field trials in nordic conditions with long days during the growth period
-Testing winter hardiness
-Grain laboratory services
-Provide tailor-made solutions for our customers
-Combine the skills from our personnel and the expertise from advisory colleges and farmers to successfully carry out high quality trials.

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
- NGEP certified
- NInnoculation

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