Blumeria Consulting
About Us
Blumeria consulting s.r.o. is a Slovak established company providing certified services in the field of testing of plant protection products, foliar fertilizers and biostimulants. The company was founded in the year 2010. The activities of Blumeria consulting Ltd. are focused on plant protection, especially on authorisation (registration) trials according EPPO methods, under GEP certification.
The other services in plant protection area are demonstration, verification and other trials, professional advice and consultations. The quality of services is guaranteed by high professional qualification and experiences of our specialists. The competence of the test facility to perform the experiments impartially and credibly, in accordance with the principles of good experimental practice, is evidenced by the GEP certification.

Main crops :
1. Cereals
2. Sunflower
3. Winter rape
4. Maize
5. Soybean
Speciality crops :
1. Grapevines
2. Sugarbeet
Our talent :
Drone – application, testing, NDVI, indexes, mapping

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
- NGEP certified
- NGrowth Chambers
- NInnoculation

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