About Us
Agromonitor Ltd has two facilities located in the south and in the north of Bulgaria with a total space of 150 square meters. Each facility is equipped with the necessary instruments and devices for scientific work in the area of applied research.
In addition, the main facility in the south has been equipped with a microbiological laboratory, where we diagnose and work with different plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi isolated from soil and plant tissue. The company has its own collection of microorganisms and uses them in different experiments, such as sensitivity to agrochemicals, interactions with biologically active substances, and artificial inoculation of soil and plants.
Consultancy in crop production and plant protection is another activity of the company. We provide technical support and laboratory services to the farmers like analysis of soil samples, seed germination tests, diagnosis of plant pests and solutions to integrated pest management.

Main crops :
1. Cereals
2. Sunflower
3. Winter oil seed rape
4. Maize
5. Grapevine
Speciality crops :
1. Apple
2. Cherry
3. Cotton
3. Lavender
3. Coriander
Our talent :
We are experienced in production of inoculum of important diseases which can be used for artificially inoculation of different host-pathogen systems.
Our researchers have knowledge based on 20+ years of professional experience in the area of plant protection.

Total trial number estimated capacity
Total number of test sites
- NGEP certified
- NIrrigation
- NInnoculation

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